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Pedagogy of Civic Practice and Public Performance

This convening aims to bring together local and regional stakeholders who are undertaking work that incorporates performance into civic practice and engagement. This event allows us to draw upon our collective expertise so that we can develop an interdisciplinary graduate-level certificate in Civic Practice and Public Performance, open to students at Ohio State and professionals around the nation, building upon and supporting cutting-edge university engagement initiatives. Together, we will: articulate and define the terms of civic practice and performance; explore how such practice is deployed across disciplines and professions; and share current best practices in the field. This convening will employ collaborative approaches to making and solving through being led by its attendees. Using a structured set of meetings and times, together we will identify our shared priorities and how our varying perspectives reach towards the same goals. Prior to the conference, attendees will contribute to agenda-setting discussion boards and review short reading materials. At the conference, attendees will present their work to each other and then break into small groups centered on three topics: pedagogy, practice, and research.