Archive of Past Events
Revisit events from the past.
Students from AIMS will visit the Columbus campus to engage in STEAM activities. Students will work with Planetarium staff to learn about exoplanet...
“FUNdamentals of Genetics” booth with microscopy and hands-on science activities
Being & Belonging: Exploring Identity and Community Connections through Conversations with Trees
The Ohio State University Young Writers Workshop is a week-long summer program for high school students in Columbus City Schools, charter schools i...
The Irrepressible ReDo Urban Arts Space June 8 | 6:00—11:00 p.m. Irrepressible Soul and The Freshest Events combine “The Ball” and “The Re...
Summer workshop for 100 elementary, middle school, and high school teachers from Columbus City Schools. Introduction to atmospheric sciences curric...
BioEYES and genetics hands-on activities with Columbus City Schools K-12 teachers in the STEAMM Rising Program
Irrepressible Soul x Black Future Month will be a continuation of the model and activations created by the Irrepressible Soul Art Collective in Ju...
Host Lindbergh Elementary students and their teachers on campus for tour and hands-on activities
Host Cranbrook Elementary students and their teachers on campus for tour and hands-on activities
“FUNdamentals of Genetics” booth with microscopy and hands-on science activities
Host Highland Elementary students and their teachers on campus for tour and hands-on activities
Plant genetics-themed hands-on activities for the Whitehall Library “Kids Create” afterschool program for tweens
Host Hamilton STEM students and their teachers on campus for tour and hands-on activities
This was an interactive workshop designed to support middle school-aged students focusing on Social Media Content Creation
The Center for Folklore Studies, as part of its mission to coordinate and support folklore and cultural documentation throughout the state of Ohio,...
One off talk about the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8, 2024
Host Barrington Elementary students and their teachers on campus for tour and hands-on activities
This was a gathering of folks working in various domains of the arts in Columbus to connect, find support, and share resources
Autumn semester service learning course (MolGen 4581S) where undergraduates mentor and provide hands on science experiences for upper level element...
OSU English and Arts and Sciences Marketing and Communication are collaborating on displays in Denney Hall and at the Thompson Library to draw atte...
Undergraduate students teach the world language and culture(s) that they are studying at OSU to Middle School Students at Indianola K8. OSU student...
Young Writers Workshop This is a program that brings Columbus City Schools teenagers, rising juniors and seniors, to our campus for a week in re...
The SLIYS program is a week-long summer linguistics program for high school and pre-college students interested in linguistics and the study of lan...
The creative research, unique viewpoints, talents, and experiences of five Ohio State University fine arts sculpture and glass students explores cu...
The Ohio State Philosophy and Critical Thinking (PACT) Summer Camp is an introduction to the exciting world of philosophical thought. This week-lon...
Global Citizen Summer Camp for Middle School Children In the two credit Spring course, OSU students will learn the theories, skills and techniques...
Featuring work by three emeritus faculty members from The Ohio State University, this exhibition celebrates the legacies of H. Ike Okafor-Newsum, R...
For several years now, Professor Ruderman has been facilitating Writing and Rewriting the Self (WRS), a poetry-writing workshop for people in recov...
This program is a 10-week paid summer research program forundergraduate students interested in language. The program trainsstudents in hands-on ski...
Offered on the third Saturday of the month, Crafternoons! is a creative art-making program geared towards adults who love innovative and crafty art...
The creative research, unique viewpoints, talents, and experiences of five Ohio State University fine arts sculpture and glass students explores cu...
Start At Home: Influence, Commitment, Integrity Featuring work by three emeritus faculty members from The Ohio State University, this exhibition ce...
The Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center and the Center for Applied Plant Sciences, together with the Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center and th...
Perhaps at no other moment in history have readers had access to such a wide range of literary voices that center the lives and stories of women an...
Offered on the second Saturday of the month, Art Explorations is an interactive arts education series that provides an opportunity for children age...
A string instrument orchestra of 60-65 students, school grades 6-9) that rehearses once per week on campus and gives approximately 5 performances o...
From 206-2018, I have been in charge of the Festival Latino’s Department of Spanish and Portuguese’s booth. Our highly interactive booth has featur...
The Ohio State Philosophy and Critical Thinking (PACT) Summer Camp is a perfect introduction to the exciting world of philosophical thought. This w...
Urban Arts Space is honored to join with The Ohio State University Department of English and Costura Creative to present From the Language of Ash, ...
The Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center facilitated a two-hour professional development workshop for K-12 science teachers in the Hilliard Schoo...
The Ohio State University’s Department of English and the Digital Media Project are proud to host a week-long institute on the effective use of dig...
The Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Projects exhibition features the work of graduating art majors from The Ohio State University Department of Art.
The Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center together with the Center for Applied Plant Sciences participated in the WestFest Partners booth within t...
Members of the Clay High School FFA Chapter visited the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center on May 2nd for a tour of our facilities. This includ...
The American Religious Sounds Project aims to provide new resources for documenting and interpreting American religious diversity by attending to i...
Internships are available for high school students or recent graduates seeking to experience research by shadowing, attending on-site events, or co...
Offered on the third Saturday of the month, Crafternoons! is a creative art-making program geared towards adults who love innovative and crafty art...
A staff person from ABRC & CAPS gave a career talk during this school event.
The Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Projects exhibition features the work of graduating art majors from The Ohio State University Department of Art.
Offered on the second Saturday of the month, Art Explorations is an interactive arts education series that provides an opportunity for children age...
The Pecha Kucha night showcases—in a compelling format—the best collaborative, interdisciplinary work on HIV/AIDS from an advanced undergraduate co...
Each year, the Department of Design hosts an exhibition featuring the senior theses by the undergraduates from each of the three programs: Industri...
Open Door Art Studio will come to Urban Arts Space for a tour of the current exhibition and related activity.
This is an interactive presentation about stem cells and their uses in research and medicine. The presentation is designed to fit in a class period...
1) Staff from the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center provided facility tours to attendees of the Ohio State Plant Science Symposium. A total of...
Each year, the Department of Design hosts an exhibition featuring the senior theses by the undergraduates from each of the three programs: Industri...
An annual series of lectures created and endowed by a generous estate gift by the late Captain Forrest R. Biard, U.S. Navy. Free and open to the pu...
Each year, the Department of Design hosts an exhibition featuring the senior theses by the undergraduates from each of the three programs: Industr...
Annual domestic study tour to College Days at the Humana Festival of New American Plays. The Humana Festival is the most important new play festiva...
A monthly lecture series, free and open to the public, which brings in a wide range of speakers who are experts in their field to present current a...
Offered on the third Saturday of the month, Crafternoons! is a creative art-making program geared towards adults who love innovative and crafty art...
Offered on the second Saturday of the month, Art Explorations is an interactive arts education series that provides an opportunity for children age...
After three years of extensive studio work, research, and experimentation, this exhibition showcases the work of artists about to graduate from The...
Urban Arts Space is honored to join with The Ohio State University Department of English and Costura Creative to present From the Language of Ash, ...
Kate Bonansinga will give a talk on her curatorial practice and projects during the Department of Art MFA Thesis Exhibition: Ex:perimental; Punctu[...
After three years of extensive studio work, research, and experimentation, this exhibition showcases the work of artists about to graduate from The...
Crafternoons! is a creative art-making program geared towards adults who love innovative and crafty art projects. Guests 16 and over create unique ...
The Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures partnered with the a US Army Civil Affairs unit for a language and culture worksh...
Flute and saxophone new music duet, Tower Duo, presents “Music in Motion” on Thursday, February 7th at the OSU Urban Arts Space at 7pm. “Music in M...
High school and undergraduate students interested in German Studies (Programs, Study Abroad, Scholarships) and Careers in German (in Ohio and Abroa...
The Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center presented two sessions at the 2019 SECO Science Symposium designed to teach science teachers how to use ...
In this geography service-learning course (GEOG 5200S) students partner with the Columbus Metropolitan Library on a mapping project in the library’...
NACLO is a contest for high-school (and younger) students to solve linguistics problems drawn from a variety of languages. Only logic and reasoning...
Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs will be discussing her 40 year career, changes she has seen over the years, innovations that have worked, and perh...
Nationally organized program of teaching mythology to pre-high school students. I led a group of 4th graders through the program, which culminated ...
This is a service-learning course in which OSU students (undergraduates and graduate students) develop a set of philosophy lessons and then teach t...
Guests from the Association for the Developmentally Disabled come to the Urban Arts Space gallery once per week. Guests tour the gallery and engage...
Scientific Thinkers is a partnership between OSU and Columbus Elementary Schools. Through the Scientific Thinkers™ program, undergraduate and gradu...
In collaboration with the Center for Slavic and East European Studies, SEELC organized a Russian language speaking competition for 6 high schools a...
The Center for Folklore Studies, as part of its mission to coordinate and support folklore and cultural documentation throughout the state of Ohio,...
Visit high school AP Physics course to discuss the mystery of dark matter
Every spring, capstone Professional Writing internships place all professional writing minors in 105-hour internships with community-based non-prof...
The Shakespeare and Autism Project is a groundbreaking, internationally recognized, ongoing collaborative research effort between The Ohio State Un...
W.O.W. adopts whole elementary schools for a period of three years. Professional development workshops for teachers offered at their schools bef...
Planned as heritage language summit to provide information and tools across the state about the seal of biliteracy. The focus of this summit is to ...
Science Day at Innis Elementary (K-5), put on by Scientific Thinkers (an OSU org), with equipment and training from the Chemistry Demonstration Lab...
Plea bargains raise concerns about the miscarriage of justice, because they may encourage innocent defendants to plead guilty. This issue has thus ...
This film features a fine French dining restaurant, Edwins, located in Cleveland, Ohio. The restaurant is unique in the fact that the owner Brandon...
This was a 30-minute public lecture at COSI After Dark.
Outreach activity for after school program at St. Joseph's Montessori School Demo show, liquid nitrogen ice cream, hands on activities
Art Explorations is an interactive arts education series that provides an opportunity for children ages 4 to 11 and their families to create art in...
This convening aims to bring together local and regional stakeholders who are undertaking work that incorporates performance into civic practice an...
Experiments with Teens at Northern Lights Library We walked them through a chromatography experiment with filter paper, Crayola markers, and water,...
ABRC and CAPS join together to serve as a host site for Ohio State's annual Breakfast of Science Champions program. In 2018 we were paired with the...
This event brings middle school students from Columbus City School District to the Chemistry and Biochemistry department for a day of hands-on acti...
Breakfast of Science Champions Approximately 70-90 middle school students from Columbus City Schools came in for breakfast, a short demo show, lab ...
Twenty five middle schoolers from Columbus Public Schools visit the Department of Linguistics to learn about "doing science" in linguistics. Studen...
Comets, craters and computer hard drives, oh my… The Center for Emergent Materials (CEM) and the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CC...
Admission is free and open to the public. Urban Arts Space is proud to be a part of Downtown Art Sunday, which brings together downtown art space...
I chair the Spanish and Portuguese Outreach Committee, and our signature, annual DDLM celebration brings together several departments and disciplin...
Starting in 2017, I founded a local Mathematical Contest for Modeling for undergraduate students at OSU. This contest has offered students from var...
Three short talks followed by a roundtable discussion, on the topic of what neuroscience can tell us about self-control. The panel included three ...
The NSF-funded Columbus State Community College, CSCC Research Internship program involves a wide range of research projects where students will le...
We have finalized the details for the tour and presentation at the Ohio Emergency Operations Center, the command post for the Ohio's various public...
A night of spooky Grimm tales narrated by Kevin Richards and featuring tales told by Kyle Kissel (Alumn) and Catherine Argabright (UG Student) at T...
Spooooooky Science Ghost bubbles, magic jack-o-lanterns, and green fire! Come see what the Potions Department at Ohio State has cooked up for a spe...
A joint initiative of the Department of Astronomy and the CCAPP. Providing a free program of talks, events, and special evenings exclusively for me...
The first annual Florence Nightingale Day will be hosted by the American Statistical Association (ASA) and Caucus for Women in Statistics (CWS) on ...
Visit local High School AP Physics class to discuss research in particle physics
Participant and lecturer at the Kartepe Summit in Kartepe, Koceli, Turkey. Presented a lecture to the public, policy-makers (politicians), lawyers...
Kids Create at Northern Lights Library Chemistry Demo Show and hands-on activities
Chemistry Demonstration Show for Girl Scout Troop. Collaboration with Dr Rebecca Ricciardo
Meeting with Native American Tribal Leaders at the Ohio Tribal Nations Conference to discuss issues regarding archaeological investigations at Preh...
Roof Night Star Party on the roof of Smith Lab. 10/20 7-10pm. We expect several hundred people to come see our telescopes.
I will represent Columbus Audubon at the conference. I will work at a booth where I interact with conference participants and educate them on vario...
Chief Deputy Rick Minerd will discuss Franklin County's HOPE Task Force and his involvement and experiences with Showtime's docu-series The Trade. ...
The Greater Columbus Arts Council’s Community Arts Partnership Awards recognize the community’s crucial contributions to the arts including financi...
I took part in a roundtable discussion about how best to communicate risks to cardiac patients at the American College of Cardiology.
American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Webinar Civic Prompts in the Major: Disciplinary Knowledge, Democratic Culture, and the P...
The Injury Biomechanics Research Center hosts a child car seat check event every autumn. The event is organized in collaboration with Columbus Publ...
Chemistry Demos at Parkmoor Elementary After-School Program (run by YMCA) We did a chemistry demo show and then hands-on activities, including maki...
Chemistry Demo show and hands-on activities at YMCA North preschool class. We did 3 presentations for the students, and afterwards walked them thr...
Special Agent James Rhoden will conduct a presentation of the responsibilities, operations and structure of the Federal Department of Alcohol, Toba...
Choreographs for Opera Columbus, local professional opera company. In 2016, it was a three way collaboration with BalletMet, Opera Columbus, and me...
In the current worldwide political scenario, the perceptions individuals have of human diversity and cultural variation play an important role in s...
Format The course is based upon successful ASM professional development models in which participants: Attend seven 75-minute interactive webinars...
A free public lectures series hosted by the College of Arts and Sciences, Organization i...
Please join us as Joey H. Green reflects upon his life, incarceration, relase, restoration and now his efforts to assist others as he reaches out t...
APOP is proud to be partnering with the Center of Science and Industry (COSI) to bring the very best in anthropology education to COSI’s educationa...
I developed and am currently teaching a service-learning course, Feminist Perspectives on Addiction, in which students do volunteer work in the com...
The Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese in partnership with Columbus City Schools supports the Bilingual Storybook Project annually. Students in Spanis...
INNOVATE Faculty Showcase (Speaker, Arts & Sciences)
In 2018-19, I have taken on a handful of new outreach and engagement activities, including: - NEH Public Humanities Planning Grant, Principal In...
SEELC graduate students Katya Tikhonyuk and Tania Melnikova conducted oral exams for a Howard University Russian instructor.
In Autumn semester 2015, the Modern Greek Program at The Ohio State University initiated a partnership with the Greek American community in Columbu...
Biological Sciences Scholars Alumni are involved in a variety of ways throughout the year. They will sit on panels, contribute to discussions, and ...
The Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center (ABRC) and the Center for Applied Plant Sciences (CAPS) are proud to partner with the Franklin Park Cons...
Ongoing engagement partnership with the Edna Manley College of Visual and Performing Arts in Kingston, Jamaica. Activities are multifaceted and ong...
LEI courses provide the opportunity for individuals fitty years of age and older to broaden their experiences through a wide variety of short-term,...
Students in selected second-year writing courses (English 2367.04) interview community members about their work-life experiences relating to scienc...
Biological Sciences Scholars are involved with outreach and activities at Wesley Glen retirement facility and Canine Collective rescue organization...
The Building Healthcare Collectives (BHC) project emphasizes humanities expertise in care. We create an infrastructure where healthcare professiona...
An ongoing service-learning course, offered about once a year: ARTEDUC 2520S Digital Artmaking. OSU students partner with youth from the GEMS Middl...
Annual event sponsored by the IceCube collaboration for high school physics students, with an opportunity to learn about the experiment
We work with area high school students to provide them experience with psychological research in our lab.
For many years, I have worked with the Behavioral Research Group of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) as a member of a group called CASPhR (Cogni...
I am currently working with the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) to partner with them in research on how to use what we know about psychol...
CAIDE lab has partnered with Creekview Intermediate School (Marysville Exempted Village School) to conduct research to improve math ability and dec...
Since 1999, I have been the moderator of the "MCLC LIST," an email listserv/blog that disseminates information on modern and contemporary Chinese l...
Orton Geological Museum: The Orton Geological Museum is open from 8:00 am-5:00 pm M-F. It is free to the public. The Museum contains exhibits of fo...
Each semester 1-2 students work closely with this organization to create policy around issues of education and healthcare access.
We have been conducting research on the psychological underpinnings of distracted driving and solutions to it. Our initial pilot study was funded t...
Collaborative work with students as interpreters during parent-teacher conferences and ESL teaching assistants.
Collaborative work with students and mobile clinics to offer access to free health screening and information.
Collaborative work with students to engage in serving the Latino/a community in food access.
Ohio State Newark Communications Committee of the Faculty Assembly organizes monthly research talks by our faculty geared to the general public an...
Each fall each person in the English 4150 class writes a grant proposal for a community-based non-profit organization in Licking County. We choose ...
Collaborative work with students to provide culture and language specific information about events and services offered at the James Cancer Center ...
Partnership between the First-Year Writing Program in the Department of English and the Columbus Metropolitan Libraries. Through this partnership, ...
Collaborative work with students in the area of mentorship to Latina mothers and young daughters, via weekly workshops and events
The OSU Aphasia Initiative is a program for persons living with aphasia that provides structured group sessions to facilitate functional communicat...
First author of public comments submitted by the Environmental Data & Governance Initiative
Founded and organized annually by Physics and CCAPP Prof. Amy Connolly, the ASPIRE workshop hosts high school female students entering grades 10 th...
Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences (CCBS), in partnership with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion within the College of Arts and Sciences a...
Each summer I present a hands-on "science is fun" program for the Columbus Metropolitan Library's summer interns. This year's topic was vibrations...
SLIYS (pronounced "SLICE") is a weeklong summer language program for high school and pre-college students organized by the Department of Linguistic...
SI is a two-week residential program that gives gifted high school students entering their sophomore, junior or senior year project-based, hands-on...
The Human Rights in Transit summer travel program, now in its second year, took five undergraduate students to New York City for five days to study...
We hosted three talented high school students for 2 weeks, as part of the Ohio Supercomputer Center summer school. We had them learning how to col...
This program is a 10-week paid summer research program for undergraduate students interested in language. The program trains students in hands-on s...
The Language of Science and the Science of Language Buckeye Language Network Summer REU Research Program takes place in the Language Pod is an inte...
Gave public lecture on Louisa May Alcott's *Little Women* on the occasion of its 150th anniversary
Every spring, COSI science center hosts an EMS & Safety Day. Our research lab hosts a booth to promote our child car seat safety campaign called "B...
Every semester, my PhD students and I spend the entire day at Metro High School teaching. There, we share a form of our research program that is co...
Conduct programs for 4th grade students in the use of microscopes by having them examine pond water samples they've collected for the myriad microb...
The American Statistical Association (ASA) DataFest at Ohio State is a collaborative competition where undergraduate students from around the unive...
The CCAPP Biard Lecture is a free, public lecture on cosmology and astroparticle physics. Organized by John Beacom, Director, Center for Cosmology...
Mayor Andrew Ginther appointed me to the city's new Community Safety Advisory Commission. Here is the commission's charge: "Columbus needs a public...
Ever wanted to enjoy a beer while listening to science? Since 2010, Columbus Science Pub has provided that exact opportunity by hosting monthly sci...
Media event focused on the Environmental Protection Agency. Hosted by Defend our Future, a project of the Environmental Defense Fund. Columbus, OH,...
Richard Huskey was recently interview by WOSU Public Media’s All Sides With Ann Fisher. The interview, which takes place in the first 14 minutes of...
A 30-minute public lecture at COSI After Dark.
Volunteer college advising in local library branches throughout the Columbus Metro Library system.
I volunteer at the Old Worthington Library through President Drake's "Give Back, Go Forward" program. I mainly work on preserving Worthington's hi...
Public talk associated with concert by Columbus Symphony Orchestra
The goal of the Destination Ohio State University (DOSU) Bridge Program is to increase the number of underrepresented minority (URM) students who c...
I am State Coordinator of the Ohio Dragonfly Survey. I do outreach events across the state, about once per week. Oftentimes, this is a presentation...
I meet with a group of novice bird enthusiasts and introduce them to the world of birding with the goal of helping them learn how to identify birds...
I am a Board Member and incoming President of the Board of Directors of the Council on Contemporary Families, a non-profit, non-partisan organizat...
The Language Sciences Research lab at the Columbus Center of Science and Industry (COSI) is dedicated to the study of language and the disseminatio...
Created and led workshops designed for girls at the Columbus City Preparatory School for Girls to actively interact with the field of biology. Miss...